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Home / Bath. Body. Wellness. / rooted with ali - Sugar Scrub

rooted with ali - Sugar Scrub

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Sugar is a natural exfoliate and a wonderful tool to help smooth out rough skin. This sugar scrub is incredibly moisturizing to the skin and will leave it feeling soft all day.

Ylang Lavender Ingredients: raw sugarcane*, extra virgin coconut oil* vitamin e oil*, essential oil blend
*organic certified ingredient

Lemon Ingredients: Raw Sugarcane*, unrefined coconut oil*, vitamin e oil*, essential oil
*organic certified ingredient

Eucalyptus Ingredients: Raw Sugarcane*, unrefined coconut oil*, vitamin e oil*, eucalyptus essential oil
*organic certified ingredient

How To: Simply massage the sugar scrub into small circular movements over skin. Rough patches especially! (elbows, knees, feet, etc.)